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Collington’s “Into The Sea”

Written by David Steltz

Posted on October 13th, 2012

Last Edited on June 27th, 2017

Having thoroughly enjoyed Collington’s previous release, “feet on the ground,” I was thrilled to have the opportunity to preview his latest album.  

With “Into the Sea” Collington has polished his style, entering a state of robust excellence. There is a noticeable increase of instrumental exploration and a wider range of techniques employed. His combination of subtle details and catchy musical curves lends both intellectual and effortless enjoyment to the listener. 

The drum and electric work are much appreciated, filling out each track quite effectively. The improved instrumentation results in an overall greater tangibility. I got chills when I came to the solos in “Save Me.” Such expertly placed electric guitar and harmonica riffs give emotional connection and musical luster that are right at home with Collington’s music. 

As for the  vocals, I found them decidedly confident. Not to say there was any lack of confidence before, James has come into himself with amplified personality, showing itself through a wide range of expression. The harmonies, though still sparse, have a stronger presence without losing the delicacy that has me continuously eager to hear more. 

Though I have listened to the entire release upwards of five times through, I am far from tired of it. The lyrical compositions are solid and moving.  Personally the strongest music is that which connects to me on a spiritual level as well as musically. Collington not only succeeds to do this, he succeeds again and again, each track resounding in my soul with wisdom, insight, and comfort. Needless to say, I have been blown away by “Into the Sea.” I am blessed to enjoy this addition to an already impressive collection of music from Collington, and wholeheartedly recommend it to any and all lovers of music and soul-food.

Spotify: Collington – Into the Sea

Buy it on iTunes or from Collington’s merch site


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Collington’s “Into The Sea”